Thursday, June 18, 2009

Annual Volunteer Day/Pancake Breakfast

thanks to Nomadrhizome for the photo. comment if you want it taken down>

Have you ever thought about hanging out regularly at the Cream City Collectives, learning more about how things run, and improving the free shop/infoshop/screen printing collective/art gallery/show booking/(future)computer lab/kitchen/ or garden?

The time is now to share ideas and learn to be a CCC volunteer - it's easy! The Cream City Collectives is looking for some inspired folks to donate just two hours per week as a general volunteer or toward one of the above projects. We could use help in virtually any area and have projects that can fit a variety of schedules and skill levels.

If you've thought about it...

Please come out this SUNDAY the 21st of June, at 1PM to talk about your ideas and learn how to be a volunteer. Don't worry if you can't commit now - come anyway if you'd like to help out anytime in the future.

The CCC is all volunteer run and we rely on you(us) to keep it exciting and relevant. Please join us Sunday!


Also this Sunday, the June Pancake Breakfast returns in full force. Come out from 10-1pm on the 21st for cheap, all-you-can-eat pancakes and free coffee. Why not treat Dad to an affordable breakfast?

Pssst- Ghost Mice, Heathers, Audrea ->CCC 6/29

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